Monday, December 1, 2014

Harness the power of you’re mind

What´s happening? Well..  I´m still stuck in a job I don´t like! Stuck in the "safety" net.. . I need to get my sh** together and start producing.. I´m moving towards my goals, but in a slowly fashion..

However my minds is evolving (I think), but I´m full of excuses... that changing is hard.. if you think it is.. which I think...  :) Need more progress..

... But anyway... Today I thought about sharing some awesome quotes that I´ve picked up:

They are deep of wisdoms.


”If you can harness the power of you’re mind, you can achieve anything” - Annelie Pompe

“My friend and guru asked me once: do you know why it’s difficult?
I know the answer: because I have decided that this is difficult.” - Annelie Pompe, (souce from here)

“A lot of our culture in society is focused on distracting you from whatever you might wanna think about, they don’t want you to think. And keeping you worried is one of the ways to do that” -– Steven Ballee