Saturday, May 14, 2016

Jimmy Åkesson - Time for Sweden (speech)

Even though I don’t vote (since I don’t like democracy), I found this speech worth sharing. About what is happening in Sweden.
Why I don’t vote?
- Just look at what democracy has done to Sweden

Are you one of the constructive or the destructive in our society?

I took the liberty to translate the best parts.

“Our country is in a serious situation. Our society is falling apart. The vital functions of society as elderly care, school, health care, social services, police, judiciary and others show up really serious shortcomings. Our country is being torn apart and it goes at a furious pace. 
Beyond the garbled stories of the governance, whitewash and advocacy journalism, there is a reality. A reality of fragmentation, segregation and polarization. Beyond the other parties false praise, beyond the speeches that we should open our hearts, is a society that has lost optimism, and homeliness and trust. 
After decades of mismanagement something important has been lost. More and more people feel inside that there is much that isn’t right. We have long pointed out the risk, warned of exactly that. Warned that our society is on the verge of falling apart. Few have wanted to listen. But in this situation we must dare to be open and honest, we must put aside the prestige and gags. We must say as it is, that we are in the worst social crisis that Sweden has lived in modern times. And it will take a long time to restore the security of the Community. The homeliness and belief in the future as once did Sweden one of the world's best countries to live in. It will take time, we must understand that. But despite that, I am hopeful. I choose to be hopeful for any other option does not really exist. We can and we must reverse this. 
The conflict in the Swedish society is not about skin color, gender, sexual orientation or class. The conflict is not between those who are born in the country and those that are not. The real conflict is between the constructive and destructive. Between those who are prepared to make the effort, to contribute and make a difference for our country, and those who are not. 
Between those who build the cars and those who burns the cars. Between the one who fill our children with knowledge and self-respect, and that one who fills them with drugs and self-pity. In short, the conflict is between those that strengthen our country, and those who are destroying our country. My belief is that a stronger Swedish citizenship to bridge the artificial conflict lines and gives us the cohesion we need to cope with the difficult challenges we face. It is the citizenship we find the civic spirit, respect for our heritage, of the Swedish culture, for earlier generations, for those who built this country. It's so you, me and them we can become us."- Jimmy Åkesson