Saturday, May 14, 2016

Jimmy Åkesson - Time for Sweden (speech)

Even though I don’t vote (since I don’t like democracy), I found this speech worth sharing. About what is happening in Sweden.
Why I don’t vote?
- Just look at what democracy has done to Sweden

Are you one of the constructive or the destructive in our society?

I took the liberty to translate the best parts.

“Our country is in a serious situation. Our society is falling apart. The vital functions of society as elderly care, school, health care, social services, police, judiciary and others show up really serious shortcomings. Our country is being torn apart and it goes at a furious pace. 
Beyond the garbled stories of the governance, whitewash and advocacy journalism, there is a reality. A reality of fragmentation, segregation and polarization. Beyond the other parties false praise, beyond the speeches that we should open our hearts, is a society that has lost optimism, and homeliness and trust. 
After decades of mismanagement something important has been lost. More and more people feel inside that there is much that isn’t right. We have long pointed out the risk, warned of exactly that. Warned that our society is on the verge of falling apart. Few have wanted to listen. But in this situation we must dare to be open and honest, we must put aside the prestige and gags. We must say as it is, that we are in the worst social crisis that Sweden has lived in modern times. And it will take a long time to restore the security of the Community. The homeliness and belief in the future as once did Sweden one of the world's best countries to live in. It will take time, we must understand that. But despite that, I am hopeful. I choose to be hopeful for any other option does not really exist. We can and we must reverse this. 
The conflict in the Swedish society is not about skin color, gender, sexual orientation or class. The conflict is not between those who are born in the country and those that are not. The real conflict is between the constructive and destructive. Between those who are prepared to make the effort, to contribute and make a difference for our country, and those who are not. 
Between those who build the cars and those who burns the cars. Between the one who fill our children with knowledge and self-respect, and that one who fills them with drugs and self-pity. In short, the conflict is between those that strengthen our country, and those who are destroying our country. My belief is that a stronger Swedish citizenship to bridge the artificial conflict lines and gives us the cohesion we need to cope with the difficult challenges we face. It is the citizenship we find the civic spirit, respect for our heritage, of the Swedish culture, for earlier generations, for those who built this country. It's so you, me and them we can become us."- Jimmy Åkesson

Saturday, January 23, 2016

One of the many business ideas that I tested, farming snail :-)

Yep, this was something that I tested  in the summer. Would it be possible to make money, cultivating snails. Difficult as it turned out. Too much work, which meant that I laid down operations after about six months of testing.

You gotta try.. And know when it´s time to quit.

Here some pictures to prove it. Sounds mad right? I had them in an appartment!

Helix Pomata laying eggs.

Lots of eggs broiling

Calciumcarbonat - they eat this stuff, need it for the shell. But you have to grind it down first.

Hammering chalice for the snail shells

Lot of crap to clean every night.

Snail kids climbing on each other

When I decided to quit I put them out in nature, were I found them. Good luck.

Didnt eat a single one as a matter of fact, didnt have the heart for it.

Releasing them into the wild and free!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Found a really smart girl, Julia Tourianski,here she talks about feminism

Hello there! :-) I have found a really smart girl, Julia Tourianski (online). So young and still managed to come so far in the tanks, ubersmart?
43:05: ”I think that human beings have the right to shape their own reality. And that what´s been taken away from us. We are participating involuntarily in a system that shapes our reality for us. And the first step is to not allow that.” – Julia Tourianski,
How Feminism Betrayed Women

Anselme Bellegarrigue
"Anarchist Manifesto" or "The World's First Anarchist Manifesto") a book from Anselme Bellegarrigue, I havent unfortunatly read it, Yet... Pierre-Joseph Proudhon became history's first self-proclaimed anarchists through the publication of What is Property?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Stefan Molyneux aobut that many do not know what they're talking about

Stefan Molyneux aobut that many do not know what they're talking about, seeking comfort and doing what is most easy..

On the whole, I agree with Stephen that most people are empty-headed aggregates floating around in the community like a cork on the ocean. :-) ..Ignorance seems to have no limits ..

Resource Based Economy: A Critical Examination

2:00:45 ”You know the vast majority of people are empty headed ballast floating on society like a cork on a ocean. You know, they´ve done studies where they ask people. They say: “Do you support the repeal of the 1975 family emergency act?” And almost half of the population will give big detail reasons about why they support or don’t support the repeal of the 1975 family emergency act. The only problem of course is that there is no such thing as the 1975 family emergency act. Most people will make up astounding amounts of bullshit with a completely straight face. To prove or disprove things that they have absolutely no idea about what so ever. You go to people who are democrats and you say “The republicans support the repeal of the 1975 emergency act” and the republicans //democrats?// say is “ We should keep it, it´s terrible!” Just because they hear that the republicans support its repeal. “It´s terrible what the republicans want to do”, right?
They have no weight in the world; they have no existents in the future. They are literally like ghosts in the physics of the world. I mean they´ll pass-through, they will reproduce, they will talk about the weather with some people and they will mow their lawn. And they’ll consume resources. But in any foundational cultural way, they simply do not exist. Now that’s about half the population as a whole, based on a wide varieties of studies. Now other people have convictions but will bow to the slightest pressure. In other words, somebody who is direct, somebody who is confident. Somebody who is assertive or forceful without being abusive will drag them along like a net after a fishing boat. They´ll just get caught up and they´ll be dragged along. This is why it´s really dam important, because we never know when some completely evil demagogue is going to arise and drag both the completely ghostlike and the soup bubbles in the wind of general opinion as just gonna come along and the forces of virology or herpetology personality is just gonna sweep all over the cliff of evil. I mean we are not more than a Hitler and a half away from that kind of.. right? This is why it´s really important for good people to stand the hell up., and say what is right as forcefully, as clearly as engagingly as possible because you never know when that demon is going to arrive. You know, he could be in his diapers right now.”
 - Stefan Molyneux
2:04:55 “The majority of people will apply lethal electricity to a simulated victim because somebody in a lab coat tells them to. We are not surrounded by statist we are surrounded by people who find it more convenient to be statist then to not be statist. And reasoning isn´t gonna change their mind very much because there is no capacity to reason. And so way you simply make it more uncomfortable to be a statist than not to be a statist.” - Stefan Molyneux
2:05:42 “Most people will have no adherence to reason and evidence whatsoever. They simple go of social conventions. This is why I say, sorry you gotta make people uncomfortable if you want to change the world. Because most people will only change their minds and ethics because it´s uncomfortable for them to stay where they are.” - Stefan Molyneux

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Clippings of Stefan Molyneux Truth Documentary - Trailer

Stefan Molyneux Truth Documentary - Trailer
9:45 “The State is a group of individuals with a monopoly on the legal use of violence.” , Stefan Molyneux Truth Documentary - Trailer
10:05 “The word “Law” sounds better than Force. “Social contract” sounds better than Enforced obedience. “Taxation” sounds better than Theft. “Centralbanking” sounds better than Counterfeiting. “Corporation” sounds better than legal immunity (for the rich!). “Arrest” sounds better than kidnapping. “National debt” sounds better than Selling of the unborn. “Democracy” sounds better than Mob rule. “Public school” sounds better than Forced indoctrination.”

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Stefan Molyneux on principles and how unprincipled society has become

Stefan Molyneux on principles and how unprincipled society has become

Laziness, Greed, Entitlement - Baby Boomers Defined
17:10 “See, without principles there is nothing to apologize for. If immediate gratification is the only thing that are making you tick. Is the only reason you have your entitled ass out of bed in the morning then what would you ever have to apologize for?” – Stefan Molyneux
18:40 “And this sort of feel good, fuck the future philosophy is why there´s been such a catastrophic growth in the state.” – Stefan Molyneux
20:20 ”See, when you let go of principles, then shoveling a bunch of money at the poor and deferring that bill to the next generation makes perfect sense, why? You have no principle called theft, no principle called properties right, no principle called personal responsibility or the deferral of gratification, no principle called deal with the immediate consequences of that which you prefer. When you choose the action as Doctor Phil says, you choose the consequences. There´s no principle behind that. And so, if you sort of feel well, it makes me feel good to help the poor and it makes me feel good to not to have to pay for it, and I kind of just want to black that out, how that´s gonna affect things in the future, then that is what is going to be supplied to you. Politicians are exquisite of veins of the social winds, and politician can only sell bullshit to people who are willing to eat bullshit. Politicians can only sell the fantasies of goodies in the here and now with infinite deferral of debt into the future to people who are willing to swallow that gassy pill, right? It´s not the supply that you need to look at, it´s the demand that you need to look at when you want to figure out how to change the world, right? Getting rid of fiat currency won’t change a damn thing if the population is still into fantasies.” – Stefan Molyneux

Monday, August 24, 2015

Stefan Molyneux about low IQ, adoption and so on

Stefan Molyneux about low IQ, and how Stefan wants to live his life. The dialogue for example is about making choices to be a happy parent. Also talking about adoption, and sacrifice their own genes for someone else's child, about quality control and so on..

Having Standards in Romantic Relationships!

1:17:35 “No, no, no. It´s just a matter of quality control.” - Stefan Molyneux
1:17:45 “Sorry to be, I mean, and this is with all due sympathy to the kids who have it tough and there is nothing wrong with adopting. I think it´s a fine thing to do, but you don’t have quality control. You don’t know if the mom smoked, or drank or did drugs or was highly stress during her pregnancy. But you do know for sure that if she´s giving her baby up for adoption, then it´s most likely that she´s going through a highly stressed pregnancy, right? Because she´s giving her baby up for adoption which means she wasn´t in a good place in life, right?”
You simply do not have control over the quality of the prenatal environment; you don’t have control of the quality over the first day or two of the kids life. And you don’t really have quality, sorry the control over the quality of the sperm that was used to impregnate the egg, right? Maybe the fathers sperm was compromised because he was on drugs or maybe he was an alcoholic, or maybe he´s got, he´s family is prone to cancer. You simply don’t have quality control over the creation of the human life.” - Stefan Molyneux
1:20:45 “Well I mean, what if the adopted child has a biological low IQ?
Then child is not going to be able to, it´s not gonna be as good at deferring gratification.”
 - Stefan Molyneux
1:22:55 “Impulsivity has a lot to do with low IQ, right. The higher IQ you are, then the more you tend to be able to defer gratification. Cause you can see what is over the hill and you can measure the cost of the present vs. the cost in the future and so on right?
Low IQ people tend to be more impulse driven.” - Stefan Molyneux
1:37:45 “What I would like to do is live a life of value, live a life of creating wealth, live a life of love and having positive effect on others, so they can live happy and rich life’s. And through that creation of wealth and through that inculcation of generosity charity will take care of what needs to be done. Generosity, brilliance, intelligence will take care of what needs to be done. You know sacrifice yourself for some other kid, what if you give birth to the kid who cures cancer.” - Stefan Molyneux
1:39:35 “But it is important that you be a happy parent. And that I think means controlling for quality and controlling for compatibility. And the best way to do that is to choose a quality woman, who you love to death and have a child with her. That is the best way to be a happy parent, and that is the best way to raise a happy child who´s gonna do great good in the world.” – Stefan Molyneux, Having Standards in Romantic Relationships!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Stefan Molyneux and Jim Penman about Ebenezer Scrooge, about child care and more

Stefan Molyneux and Jim Penman about Ebenezer Scrooge,  about child care, about sawing and reeping and so on.

The Decline and Fall of the West | Dr. Jim Penman and Stefan Molyneux

Jim Carrey spelar rösten Ebenezer Scrooge,
“Disney’s A Christmas Carol,” uses a big, noisy and sometimes terrifying version of the Charles Dickens tale on which it is based.
<--C stands for civilization !-->

34:55 “Scrooge is one of my role models just might say for Christmas Carol. I know he´s not considered the greatest of people but he was the kind of man who was incredible wealthy but lived a very very abstemious austere sort of personal life. That is very characteristic high C attitude. And when Dickens was going on about giving away and all this kind of stuff, he´s the very early stages of this declining seed of what he´s promoting in effect. Which is why people like him so much this days. But nobody has a though of dear old scrooge. But you know, Scrooge was the man who built this society not the Christmas turkey and giving stuff away. Productive investment. Thinking for the future, not the present. To sacrifice current seed, current leisure for future benefit. That’s C.” Dr. Jim Penman
Yes I, the constant analogy that I and others use is:
”Don’t eat your seed crop. You know, it might seem very generous to give your seed crop away to people who are hungry, but you´re all gonna starve come spring.”
– Stefan Molyneux, 35:45 , The Decline and Fall of the West | Dr. Jim Penman and Stefan Molyneux

<--Peak of High C in the 19 century !-->

47:50 “When you control children especially infants you can get a very very high C and these people, not only just productive they´re very very good with machines. They´re very good at industrialization, they are very good engineers. And this produces this incredible outpouring of the industrial revolution because this is the highest C side in all of human history. And then of course as we know what happens, this incredible successful high C society creates this enormous wealth which then starts undermine everything. The level of V start to drops much faster and then, particular from the 90ties the little C starts to drop as well, and that happens very very rapidly and increasing so. And the end result is collapse.”  - Dr. Jim Penman
49:10 “There is a very big distinction between control and punishment. They are very different, n some way opposite. You can use punishment to reinforce control but my kids for example, I´m a fairly high C character. My kids do not disobey me, and I don’t wipe then, I don’t need to, they just know that what dad says what is to be done is to be done. And they tend to be very hard working responsible well behaved kids. It doesn’t matter what the control is, it could be manners, it could be obedience. It could be diet, it could be religious observance. It doesn’t matter what the nature of the control is, the effect that their behavior is limited and constrained. And ideally in a way that they accept. If they resent it and fight against it it´s not as effective. It´s the thing that they see and “Yes of course”. “I do that because it just natural for me to do it”. To be discipline, to be controlled. That tends to produce the best character. And this is the high C character.”  - Dr. Jim Penman
50:35 “One of the most destructive ideas is this whole idea that just love children that´s enough. It isn´t enough. It doesn´t create good character. It must be controlled otherwise they will not have the work ethics, the willingness to sacrifice, they sense of discipline that they need to be successful. And for our society to accept. Absolutely vital. But people get confused, they think control means punishment, it doesn´t. You can have control without punishment, and you can have punishment without control. Like for example, just hitting a kid for no reason has the complete opposite effect and very very bad I might say.” - Dr. Jim Penman

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Stefan Molyneux about the power of words, language, sophistry and so on

Stefan Molyneux about the power of words, language, sophistry, dialectic (discussion as an art, reasoning, evidence, on matrix and magic as "truth").

Why Are Colleges Filled With Liberals?
13:35 ”Through the power of language you can turn paper into gold, because you can get people to accept fiat currency in exchange for gold. So the most powerful magic, the most powerful force in the human universe is language. This is why magic users start of weak and end up incredible powerful, far more dominant then those who merely wheeled the sword or the gun. So the power of language is where the very intelligent people go to wheel the greatest power. Now, this of course used to be religion, and it is of course still to some degree. Through the power of words, through the power of languages you can separate a foreskin from a baby’s penis. You can rip of a third of the skin of a baby boys penis. Through the power of language you can cut a clitoris of a little girl. Because it´s only because the belief system that this things occur.” - Stefan Molyneux
15:25 “But the real power in the world is in language and so the people who are teaching you. And the people, who are studying, are studying the magic of storytelling. The magic of fantasy, the magic of manakenism //sounds like that´s what he saying?// or of creating opposite poles of moral alignment.” - Stefan Molyneux
17:00 “And so if you are somebody who wants power in the world, study language, study rhetoric, study sophistry, study the capacity to change people’s minds without touching them or threatening them in any way, shape or form. Now, if you can sell that narrative to people, then you will get your way for generations, because the soldiers arm wears out. He gets old, he gets creaky, he gets arthritis, he wants a nap, heheh, but the language skill of the sophistic are hog warts wizards of human manipulation only tend to grow with age. Which is why in wizardry it is the old who are the most powerful. Whereas of course among the nights and the fighters, the physical fighters it is the young who are the most powerful. And look at how it works in society, this is my proof. The young are physical stronger than the old, who rules society. It is an oligarchy of crept keepers who rule society. The old gets benefits and free healthcare and pensions, vastly out of proportion. To anything they ever paid in to, and the young get debt. And worse schools and less healthcare, and lineups, and inflation and fifty percent unemployment, because wizards rule. And the old are the best wizards.” – Stefan Molyneux
22:50 “Those who are into the free market we are using our skill, our sophistry, power of whatever language we can command. To attempt to dispel the magic. And to say that what most people call truth is actually magic, and once they understand that it is magic, they will also understand that what they call truth is merely a convincing lie. And academia trains you so much in the matrix that you think it´s real. They train you so much in these narratives. The evil rich, the virtues poor, the necessity for the government to shield you from corporations and protect you from enemies, and help the poor and heal the sick and the aged. They create this massive narrative that is so believable that you just voodoo yourself. And we live in these bizarre fascistic crystalline mind structures of word wizards who came before us. And almost nobody lives in anything as simple and prosaic as reality. Reality is: there are no countries, reality is government doesn’t exist. Reality is: ethics is universal, reality is your income is not very good at predicting you ethics hahah, right? And the reality is that everyone who tells you that you must be their slave so that they can save you from an enemy is the enemy they are describing. Is the enemy that they´re describing. And everybody knows this deep down. Everybody knows that there is no such thing as government money. Everybody knows that taxation is theft; everybody knows that inflation is theft. Everybody knows that the welfare state traps the poor. Everybody knows that government schools are getting worse, and worse, and worse. Over the last ten years disability benefits in the USA have gone up fifty percent. A third of those people have another piece of fiction called “a mental illness” which cannot be detected in any physical test. In any way, shape or form. >>Well you see, you have chemical imbalances in your brain>>. “Really, would you like to show me that, in some sort of graph or blood test?” >>Well, no we cant really do that because we have a magic spell book, called the dsm-file which cast a spell on you and then we get to pump chemicals into you which make an imagery disease into a real one.>> In my opinion.” – Stefan Molyneux 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Stefan Molyneux about to declare love for a woman.

To declare the love for a woman.

The Friend Zone: A Sex Free Life Sentence

26:00 “When I want a women, you say what you want. Life isn’t going to last, right. I mean we´re all gonna die. And you know.. I´d rather have embarrassment than regret right? Women says no, its embarrassment, humiliating right, but regret is the great erotor //ja låter som Stefan säger så//. I rather you know a a a.. A big rock can handle a hammer blow, just get chipped a little right. What it can’t handle is erosion.. And regret is like erosion of windblown sand and rain. It just erodes everything.” - Stefan Molyneux
26:35 ”I would choose anything in life over regret. That´s why this show exist, because of my commitment to avoiding regret. I mean if I had some capacity to offer the world something truly great in the room of philosophy and I went back to selling software and coding and shit. Man, ah, you get to your death bed and you´re like, “Wow I really let that opportunity go by”... “ - Stefan Molyneux
28:25 “If you´re passionate about a man or women you declare yourself. And you express interest.” - Stefan Molyneux
28:40 “If a women is not interested in a man who is openly declares himself and admits his passion, his interest and his love for her then she is not a very interesting women. I mean how many people get that in life?” - Stefan Molyneux

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Stefan Molyneux about Virtue before biology, sexual role models

Stefan Molyneux, dygd före biologi, om sexuella förebilder i våra föräldrar osv.
//Om hur vi ofta söker liknande sexuella partner som våra föräldrar, men framförallt hur vi genom dygder kan älska etik och moral högre än sexuell biologi.. Alltså att dygd slår högre än sexuell energi //

Virtue before biology, sexual role models in our parents and so on.
About how we often seek similar sexual partners as our parents, but especially how we can love the virtues ethics and morality higher than sexual biology .. So that virtues and moral is higher than the sexual energy.

The Biology of White Knighting

30.05 ”You cannot love virtue without hating immorality. A prerequisite for love is hate, it doesn´t mean you hate first but it´s natural, right? You can´t go north without heading away from the south.” – Stefan Molyneux
30:45 “According to my theory: love is our involuntary reaction to virtue if we are virtues. Now if we are virtues it means that we love virtue and we hate immorality.” – Stefan Molyneux
31:25 “And if you don’t dislike immorality you cannot love morality.” – Stefan Molyneux
42:45 “So you will have a biological drive to pursue women like your mom, and to act like your father. Now you have made a different choice, and “smack” fantastic. Good for you. But your sexual template remains the same. Now the only way you can reject the sexual template is with morality. Morality is even more powerful then the sex-drive. And we know that, because people go of to fucking war and get their balls blown off, prior to reproduce, cause “they think it´s the right thing to do”.. I don´t know why that is, probably some weird evolutionary quark that benefits the eggs inside some collective fashion, I don’t know, and I don’t really care for the purpose of this conversation. Morality is stronger than genetics! Because you can get people to do incredible destructive things, that completely wipes them out of the gene pool. First world war, second world war. If you can convince them that it´s the moral right thing to do. You can get people to take them self completely out of the gene pool and become monks and become celibacy priests because it´s the moral thing to do. Morality beats biology. Morality wins hands down! It is the brain beats the balls, every single time.” – Stefan Molyneux

Morality, examples
Intervene when seeing child abuse (moral courage)
1:10:00 “Pursuing self-knowledge pursuing truth no matter where it leads is an example of moral courage. Basic commitment to honesty can take a lot of moral courage and so on right?” – Stefan Molyneux

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Stefan Molyneux about whetwer we have choice or not

Stefan Molyneux philosopher, ranting about whether we have choice or not, whether we are responsible for our own life or not.
Stefan is always though provoking and I´m starting to get what an influence he is on me. Respect Stefan for all your knowledge. People who are not redo and don’t understand him, start reading and get educated!!

Being poor is one of my own fears, I´ve seen what it makes to people, and I will try my hardest to keep myself from thence. I´m responsible for my own life and wellbeing, it should not burden others..

From the video
Defending Ayn Rand - Peter Schiff Radio Show May 14th, 2014

36:38 ”Somehow the idea has gotten across that libertarians have no respect for the poor, or dont like the poor. But I will contend that there is none that you treat with more contempt than the person you take away choice from. The most disrespectful condescending jerky thing to do another human being is to say to them >>you are not responsible for your own life. That is the greatest contempt that you can have for any human being. I mean we don’t even do that to cats for heaven sake! We train them to go in the litter box, we train dogs to go outside. Don’t poop on the rug. Go outside. We encourage. We will give choice to animals who licks their own genitals. But the idea that the poor might have anything to do with their own condition is incomprehensible to us. And that somehow them the people who grant moral responsibility to the poor, we are considered to be disrespectful to the poor but the people who say, >>well you´re not responsible for everything and by the way, you need blood money from the government just to survive, and you have no choice, no power, no capacity to change your station. Nothing to look forward to, nowhere to rise, nothing to achieve, nothing to gain, it´s not your fault!>> Those people paralyze the poor, and the more the poor listens to them, the more poor we get. But that’s what they want, because the poor are their crops, there farmers who grow the poor, in order to wave the poor around, to gain power over everyone else.” – Stefan Molyneux

Friday, July 31, 2015

Communists and Socialists out there in this world, this is something for you

You Communists and Socialists out there in this world, this is something for you .. you who like to live on us others, you who want to steal from others to distribute solidarity or whatever you use as emotional words (as arguments) .., You guys have to see this ! I know you will not listen to this, but hey, you have to evolve, right? I have also been Communist once. So .. When I was young, naive and did not know particularly well how the world works, we can forgive that. We all have to start somewhere... But we cannot stop in developing, we can not belong to the evil in this world, we must educate ourselves and acquire skills! We set out to live a virtues life.

The truth folks. There is hope when you find people who are “in the game” so to speak, such as Stefan Molyneux. Thanks Stefan for being on this planet! You have been my role model!

Arguing With Communists: An Examination of Class Systems!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Stefan Molyneux about masculinity..

What is Masculinity?

It is interesting question. Below are some excerpts from Stefan Molenuex show. Always interesting to share his opinions / knowledge.

Citat från Stefan Molyneux, Quotes from Stefan Molyneux.
Citat från Stefan Molyneux, Quotes from Stefan Molyneux.
Good stuff from Stefan Molyneux,

10:30 ”There is two aspects of masculinity and this is why women are confusing and men get confused.
So women want men to be stoic and hard and winners in the competition for resources when they facing out of the family, right?
But when they are in the family dealing with the children women want men that are emotionally available, and sensing and caring and all that kind of stuff, right?”
- Stefan Molyneux, on his show about "What is Masculinity?"
21:50 “The job of the mom is to provide a father for the son and the daughter, right, and that´s the job. That´s the job! Provide food, boob milk, change the diapers, keep the father around. That is the job of the mom. Marry a man who´s going to stay around. Its nice if he has some resources but even if you are living in a hole in the ground, if the man’s around //stefan ger positivt tecken //, you have a pound, oohh British currency, I had to go with that rhyme. A woman who is a single mom has failed at motherhood because the job of motherhood is to provide a father.
The job of fatherhood is to provide resources; the job of the mother is to provide the father. And because without the father, you don’t get the resources, don’t get the co-parenting which is why not providing a father is so disastrous for children. Not having a father around is so fucking disastrous.” - Stefan Molyneux, on his show about "What is Masculinity?"

43:25: “It´s not to say that men and women shouldn't be equal, absolutely, but the reality is that once kids come in to the picture, men and women are nor equal. I mean, their not, because breastfeeding. You know, cause I get this messages >>Well why cant a man stay home with the baby?>> The man can stay at home with the baby but we don't have the feederbags so, its maybe appropriate, maybe the women makes ten times as much an maybe she can pump in the toilet or whatever.” - Stefan Molyneux, on his show about "What is Masculinity?"
45:43 “Well yeah, Casual sex is the junk food of the penis, right?” - Stefan Molyneux, on his show about "What is Masculinity?"

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Stefan Molyneux inspires to a life of purpose and motivation

Having problem finding your motivation? 

This is a good speech for those of you stuck in life.

Stefan Molyneux portrays Brian's mother who has passed away. Stefan tries to motivate Brian that sees himself as stuck in video games and non-action.

From the video:
Motivational Slaughterhouse

24:50, Brian: ”What do you think she would say?”

Stefan as Brians mother: “I´m sorry Brian. I´m so sorry Brian, I´m so sorry, I´m so sorry. There is a hell under the ice and that hell is regret. And the greatest agony of regret is when you cannot undo the damage you´ve done, and there is no restitution possible. Brian I gave you the example of a life unlived. I gave you the template of cowardice. I gave you the template of avoidance. I gave you the template of compromise with nothing. I gave you the template of self areca. I died without ever having lived and I infected you with that nonliving, and I´m so sorry that my inertia has created this well into which you seem to be sinking deeper every day into the weightless center of the earth where no motion is possible because all gravity is around you. I am so sorry. That even I had the example of your father’s death in 2001 I did not have that rouse me to grab life with any energy. I am so sorry that the unmoving ghost jumped from me to you. Without even leaving me just split and past into you. And that rather than act myself I was content to infect you with the virus of non-action.”

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Atlas Shrugged, the movies if don't have time for the book

We live in times that Ayn Rand wrote about in his books. We live in a time of anti-reasoning and ignorance.

The time of ignorance where ignorance (unknowingly) is celebrated, where our freedom seems to be reduced for each new regulation..
”Man have the free will to choose and to think.” – Ayn Rand, The Mike Wallace Interview (1959)
As a young woman Ayn Rand escaped from Russia and the oppressive world in which she would later write about. She noticed, however, that there were forces in the US who strove collectivism, whom she had seen and managed to fled from (Russia). She devoted her life to write and describe this decay and inspired to a better philosophy.
Ayn Rand belongs to the great who ever walked this planet! A huge intellect. I have the greatest respect for Ayn Rand. Thanks Ayn for your enormous contribution that you did! We thank you for your heritage. You will always have a place in my heart!
In a corrupt world, it is more and more people who say: "I'm going Galt" - "I will not Comply With This, I'm leaving."

The question is where do you go, where are the conditions better? Where can you find people with a little bit of mind and thought? Libertarians where art thou? Where can we gather and build a better less corrupt society? Please tell me in the comment section.

Turn on your brain and look at the Atlas Shrugged movies.. Listen to the dialogues, and see the films many times, it is worth it!

Atlas Shrugged: Part I (2011)
Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike (2012)
Atlas Shrugged III: Who is John Galt? (2014)