Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Stefan Molyneux about Virtue before biology, sexual role models

Stefan Molyneux, dygd före biologi, om sexuella förebilder i våra föräldrar osv.
//Om hur vi ofta söker liknande sexuella partner som våra föräldrar, men framförallt hur vi genom dygder kan älska etik och moral högre än sexuell biologi.. Alltså att dygd slår högre än sexuell energi //

Virtue before biology, sexual role models in our parents and so on.
About how we often seek similar sexual partners as our parents, but especially how we can love the virtues ethics and morality higher than sexual biology .. So that virtues and moral is higher than the sexual energy.

The Biology of White Knighting


30.05 ”You cannot love virtue without hating immorality. A prerequisite for love is hate, it doesn´t mean you hate first but it´s natural, right? You can´t go north without heading away from the south.” – Stefan Molyneux
30:45 “According to my theory: love is our involuntary reaction to virtue if we are virtues. Now if we are virtues it means that we love virtue and we hate immorality.” – Stefan Molyneux
31:25 “And if you don’t dislike immorality you cannot love morality.” – Stefan Molyneux
42:45 “So you will have a biological drive to pursue women like your mom, and to act like your father. Now you have made a different choice, and “smack” fantastic. Good for you. But your sexual template remains the same. Now the only way you can reject the sexual template is with morality. Morality is even more powerful then the sex-drive. And we know that, because people go of to fucking war and get their balls blown off, prior to reproduce, cause “they think it´s the right thing to do”.. I don´t know why that is, probably some weird evolutionary quark that benefits the eggs inside some collective fashion, I don’t know, and I don’t really care for the purpose of this conversation. Morality is stronger than genetics! Because you can get people to do incredible destructive things, that completely wipes them out of the gene pool. First world war, second world war. If you can convince them that it´s the moral right thing to do. You can get people to take them self completely out of the gene pool and become monks and become celibacy priests because it´s the moral thing to do. Morality beats biology. Morality wins hands down! It is the brain beats the balls, every single time.” – Stefan Molyneux

Morality, examples
Intervene when seeing child abuse (moral courage)
1:10:00 “Pursuing self-knowledge pursuing truth no matter where it leads is an example of moral courage. Basic commitment to honesty can take a lot of moral courage and so on right?” – Stefan Molyneux

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