Thursday, August 13, 2015

Stefan Molyneux about the power of words, language, sophistry and so on

Stefan Molyneux about the power of words, language, sophistry, dialectic (discussion as an art, reasoning, evidence, on matrix and magic as "truth").

Why Are Colleges Filled With Liberals?
13:35 ”Through the power of language you can turn paper into gold, because you can get people to accept fiat currency in exchange for gold. So the most powerful magic, the most powerful force in the human universe is language. This is why magic users start of weak and end up incredible powerful, far more dominant then those who merely wheeled the sword or the gun. So the power of language is where the very intelligent people go to wheel the greatest power. Now, this of course used to be religion, and it is of course still to some degree. Through the power of words, through the power of languages you can separate a foreskin from a baby’s penis. You can rip of a third of the skin of a baby boys penis. Through the power of language you can cut a clitoris of a little girl. Because it´s only because the belief system that this things occur.” - Stefan Molyneux
15:25 “But the real power in the world is in language and so the people who are teaching you. And the people, who are studying, are studying the magic of storytelling. The magic of fantasy, the magic of manakenism //sounds like that´s what he saying?// or of creating opposite poles of moral alignment.” - Stefan Molyneux
17:00 “And so if you are somebody who wants power in the world, study language, study rhetoric, study sophistry, study the capacity to change people’s minds without touching them or threatening them in any way, shape or form. Now, if you can sell that narrative to people, then you will get your way for generations, because the soldiers arm wears out. He gets old, he gets creaky, he gets arthritis, he wants a nap, heheh, but the language skill of the sophistic are hog warts wizards of human manipulation only tend to grow with age. Which is why in wizardry it is the old who are the most powerful. Whereas of course among the nights and the fighters, the physical fighters it is the young who are the most powerful. And look at how it works in society, this is my proof. The young are physical stronger than the old, who rules society. It is an oligarchy of crept keepers who rule society. The old gets benefits and free healthcare and pensions, vastly out of proportion. To anything they ever paid in to, and the young get debt. And worse schools and less healthcare, and lineups, and inflation and fifty percent unemployment, because wizards rule. And the old are the best wizards.” – Stefan Molyneux
22:50 “Those who are into the free market we are using our skill, our sophistry, power of whatever language we can command. To attempt to dispel the magic. And to say that what most people call truth is actually magic, and once they understand that it is magic, they will also understand that what they call truth is merely a convincing lie. And academia trains you so much in the matrix that you think it´s real. They train you so much in these narratives. The evil rich, the virtues poor, the necessity for the government to shield you from corporations and protect you from enemies, and help the poor and heal the sick and the aged. They create this massive narrative that is so believable that you just voodoo yourself. And we live in these bizarre fascistic crystalline mind structures of word wizards who came before us. And almost nobody lives in anything as simple and prosaic as reality. Reality is: there are no countries, reality is government doesn’t exist. Reality is: ethics is universal, reality is your income is not very good at predicting you ethics hahah, right? And the reality is that everyone who tells you that you must be their slave so that they can save you from an enemy is the enemy they are describing. Is the enemy that they´re describing. And everybody knows this deep down. Everybody knows that there is no such thing as government money. Everybody knows that taxation is theft; everybody knows that inflation is theft. Everybody knows that the welfare state traps the poor. Everybody knows that government schools are getting worse, and worse, and worse. Over the last ten years disability benefits in the USA have gone up fifty percent. A third of those people have another piece of fiction called “a mental illness” which cannot be detected in any physical test. In any way, shape or form. >>Well you see, you have chemical imbalances in your brain>>. “Really, would you like to show me that, in some sort of graph or blood test?” >>Well, no we cant really do that because we have a magic spell book, called the dsm-file which cast a spell on you and then we get to pump chemicals into you which make an imagery disease into a real one.>> In my opinion.” – Stefan Molyneux 

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