Friday, July 3, 2015

Are you FOR using coercion to redistribute human labor (money)?

Are you FOR using coercion to redistribute human labor (money) to people who cannot take care of themselves?
Do you see other people who are obliged to help others, and that was why they were born? I do not.
I'm PRO helping people in need and those who cannot take care of themselves (e.g. give 10% of my income each month), but I in that case want to do it on a voluntary basis! Not by force!

Stefan Molyneux seems to be on the same page. Down below is an video response where Stefan Moleneux explains one or two things to the talking head Ana Kasparian.
Actually I saw an interview Ana did with Joe Rogan and she seemed “smarter” in that. Maybe she just is having a bad day? At least she is pretty good looking, and to give her some “credit” I think she is a person who wants to learn, not too bad for her age, but she´s got a lot to learn..  Don’t we all?

Defending Adam Carolla: The Young Turks Rebutted!

Here a snatch from the video, quote from Stefan Molyneux:
“So again this is an argument that you have to give women subsidies or free, or tax funded birth control in order to give them, to provide them access to birth control.
You have to use force to redistribute an income because women want or somehow can’t earn that by themselves?
My argument would be pretty much if you think that coercive redistribution is somehow giving people choice, then you are confusing rape with lovemaking, you are confusing theft with charity and that is pretty incredible disastrously irresponsible to put things across. Women can earn their own birth control; it´s ten box a month for the pill, I´m pretty sure that women can afford that?
No, if women can’t afford that, well then they certainly shouldn’t be having kids, and they won’t have kids if they can’t make a living out of it through coercive redistribution of others people’s money so..”
– Stefan Molyneux

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