Thursday, July 30, 2015

Stefan Molyneux about masculinity..

What is Masculinity?

It is interesting question. Below are some excerpts from Stefan Molenuex show. Always interesting to share his opinions / knowledge.

Citat från Stefan Molyneux, Quotes from Stefan Molyneux.
Citat från Stefan Molyneux, Quotes from Stefan Molyneux.
Good stuff from Stefan Molyneux,

10:30 ”There is two aspects of masculinity and this is why women are confusing and men get confused.
So women want men to be stoic and hard and winners in the competition for resources when they facing out of the family, right?
But when they are in the family dealing with the children women want men that are emotionally available, and sensing and caring and all that kind of stuff, right?”
- Stefan Molyneux, on his show about "What is Masculinity?"
21:50 “The job of the mom is to provide a father for the son and the daughter, right, and that´s the job. That´s the job! Provide food, boob milk, change the diapers, keep the father around. That is the job of the mom. Marry a man who´s going to stay around. Its nice if he has some resources but even if you are living in a hole in the ground, if the man’s around //stefan ger positivt tecken //, you have a pound, oohh British currency, I had to go with that rhyme. A woman who is a single mom has failed at motherhood because the job of motherhood is to provide a father.
The job of fatherhood is to provide resources; the job of the mother is to provide the father. And because without the father, you don’t get the resources, don’t get the co-parenting which is why not providing a father is so disastrous for children. Not having a father around is so fucking disastrous.” - Stefan Molyneux, on his show about "What is Masculinity?"

43:25: “It´s not to say that men and women shouldn't be equal, absolutely, but the reality is that once kids come in to the picture, men and women are nor equal. I mean, their not, because breastfeeding. You know, cause I get this messages >>Well why cant a man stay home with the baby?>> The man can stay at home with the baby but we don't have the feederbags so, its maybe appropriate, maybe the women makes ten times as much an maybe she can pump in the toilet or whatever.” - Stefan Molyneux, on his show about "What is Masculinity?"
45:43 “Well yeah, Casual sex is the junk food of the penis, right?” - Stefan Molyneux, on his show about "What is Masculinity?"

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