Sunday, July 12, 2015

Stefan Molyneux, about vulnerability

Stefan Molyneux, about vulnerability and its strength. Not to show vulnerability is weakness. Completely new concept for me, but I guess he´s right.

MGTOW: Not All Women Are Like That!

48:12 “There´s nothing more efficient than honesty. Nothing more efficient then openness. And nothing more powerful than vulnerability, there is nothing more powerful than vulnerability. Because vulnerability reveals everyone in your life who will abuse power.. immediately. And almost irrevocably //oåterkallig//. There is nothing weaker then hiding your vulnerability, because it means it´s refusal to stare at those who will abuse power and see them for who they are, which means that they still have power over you. And that they still have control over you. Nothing is stronger then vulnerability. Nothing is more clarifying then vulnerability. Nothing is clearer then vulnerability. And if you hid who you are. You´re just making an tombstone of your everyday actions. Because you don´t exist in hiding, and you´re letting the past rob you of marriage and children.” – Stefan Molyneux
49:22 “Exercise the power of vulnerability. Vulnerability breaks the past from being victims. Because we couldn’t be vulnerable when we were children. Because we had no choice. We had no voluntarism, we had no freedom. We can be vulnerable as adults, that is a fundamental recognition that the world has changed. That we no longer live in the past. The world has changed. When you are vulnerable you´re signaling to your system that the past is over and done! That you are no longer a victim, that you are no longer trapped in a destructive and abusive environment. Vulnerability means it´s over. It´s done, war is over. We´re home.” – Stefan Molyneux
50:45 “Just take if for a spin man. Vulnerability and openness will get you what you want in your life. Vulnerability and openness will get you exactly what you want in life. And hiding will only get you the feeling of being pray, from here to the end of your life. Those in power can be vulnerable, those without power, right? The slaves cannot cry when he´s tired. The slave must always be smiling and empty. No vulnerability is possible to those at the bottom of the food chain. You never show your weakness when you´re in the power of abusers. A lack of vulnerability is a sign of being low on the food chain..” – Stefan Molyneux

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