Monday, July 6, 2015

Swedish Feminism, well known all over the world.

Here in Sweden we have a political party called F!, and it stands for Feminist Initiative. One of the ideology is beside feminism is something they call Similarity Feminism. They believe that the differences between the sexes are essentially social constructs and therefore culture-dependent. And yes, for example marriage is a social construct, but it´s pretty much constructed for the women in minds. Because the woman biology wants to have a safe up bring for their kids, and the promise from man to provide for them.
No kids, yes we are more equal if we mean the place of work. We go way back when we help each other out.
The feminist usually wants to demolish our masculinity and reduce you into an obedient vibrator on legs. The feminist wants to use taxes (theft) to reallocate resources to their benefit. Their purpose is getting more jobs in the public sector (paid by private companies), so they can use wages as an Egalitarianism tool. They are radical lefties. They dont want competency to be the guidelines when hiring people for a job but more the choice of sex. This is pretty radical thoughs, you know. Their underlying motives based on coercion, and threats of violence by legislating.

South-European/Mediterranean women are far, far more developed in their insights about men. And I know many Swedish guys who prefer to choose them as there partner. The foreign women are more win-win oriented. More synergy oriented than Swedish feminist. They know the balance between the feminine and the masculine aspect of life and most of all they don't feel less female because they show that they love the male and they don't need to see him as a pet that they must train...

I should not categorize ALL the Swedish girls in the feminist league, there are still some good ones left. But it is a silent war here in Sweden (as many other issues also). The people are shattered. Besides we have so many other problems here too; the politics is really bad, collectivist thoughts and so on. I really don’t know which country you should go to? Any tip?

And what else, there’s usually the ugly girls who join the F!, probably because men aren’t interested in them, and they get bitter. And they are often making themselves unappealing with colored hair, big ugly tattoos on their bodies, overweight and so on. The good looking Swedish female is very rare nowadays.
And the men in this society, what has happen? Completely metrosexualized, more like female dictated social character they call Swedish society... There are still a good few people holding this country by the arms, making things work, but how long will we have the energy to pull the cart of freeriders?

Well, bye. That’s all for now.

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