Thursday, July 9, 2015

ChristyOMisty / Christiana about feminism

Message from ChristyOMisty or Christiana about Feminism. Her Youtube channel disappeared, it was said that she was "stalked" by feminists and leftists (or something).
[ read: serious threats from feminazis who couldn't handle the logic bombs she was dropping on their bs ideologies ]
 Some other have put up her videos instead. That´s how I found them.

 Too bad she disappeared from the net, I hope we see more of her in the future, she gives hope to the family. And her knowlegde was extensive, in the right direction, even if she hasn´t discovered everything yet, but give her time. It is a delight to see ChristyOMisty reflect intelligently. Very interesting stuff, condensed compex structures into simple words. Christiana seems to be a very smart woman, respectfully. Wish there were more like her. Girls of Christiana's quality is really hard to find here in this feminist country Sweden. Oh man, let me tell ya, most girls here are so lost..

If you are a liberal, social last or Communist, and do not like to be bundled. Continue to deepen your knowledge; sooner or later you will understand her points in general terms are correct.

07:35 ”Feminism is now merely a tool of the liberal (read socialist) agenda.
In order to fully understand how socialist have hijacked the feminist movement, you need to understand that socialism and communism is not dead. There is not a lot of talk about communism any more. The red scare of the fifties seems to be over. That´s because its been repackage, it´s being sold as something else. Exact same goals, exact same ideology, exact same philosophies, different name. There isn´t anything new under the sun, it´s relabeled, resold as something else. ”
- ChristyOMisty / Christiana
8:15 “Political Correctness is cultural Marxism, that´s not insane to say, that´s not wacko, that´s not a little extreme, it´s a fact." - ChristyOMisty / Christiana
<!-- Typical words for Marxism is solidarity, open your heart and so on.. -->

8:40 “So the eventual goal of the liberals, the socialist, is Socialism / Marxism / Communism. I now there are purist out there screaming at me right now, >>whoay..There are differences between those philosophies, there not exactly the same.>> I know, I´m not an idiot. But they are all the same world view. They are. Same world view, slight technical differences, not anything significant. But anyway; feminism is one of the tools. Don’t believe me? You should read “The naked communist”, by Cleon Skousen. And in that book they outline an agenda for transforming any society into a socialist society. One of their goals is to destroy the family. Because the family is the framework. The foundation, a good family, the nuclear family of the society. And one of their goal for destroying the family is to get behind the feminist movement. Because it has been very successful in creating discontent.” - ChristyOMisty / Christiana
10:40 “If you are a feminist and you think that the feminism you cling to is a actually about you, actually about women’s rights, or even about women at all. Guess what? You have been played. You´ve been lied to. You are one of the useful idiots of whom Stalin spooked. Who swallows the lie because it flatters you, or it appeals to your sense of entitlements. I mean think about it. If feminism was really about women. It would be about what women really would want right? It would be about the freedom to pursue whatever you wanted, including nothing. It would include the freedom to stay home and race your kids, if that´s what you really wanted to do. If that was your heart desire.” - ChristyOMisty or Christiana
13:20 “An ultimately what women want, feminist want, radical feminist is to be able to act like men and be treated like women.” - ChristyOMisty / Christiana
14:10 ”>>I´m gonna be who I wanna be, which is unfeminine, unladylike. But you are gonna treat me like a lady. I´m gonna dress in a matter that makes you think that I´m a hooker, but I expect you to  treat me like I´m a respectable person.>> Am I the only person who thinks this is insane?” - ChristyOMisty / Christiana

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5:30 “Men are not blind to this..I think a lot of men are waking up to just being disposible ATMs, and being forced by the state.” - Stefan Molyneux
Från videon: The Dangers of Dating a Single Mom

Yes, that´s how many women sees us men.. as disposable bank machines (ATMs) to make withdrawals.

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