Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Rules for success in life....(For Men)

Rules for success in life:(For Men) 

1. Have goals and direction, and focus on your knowledge / skills and career as young as possible.Dont waste time on unnecessary things.
2. Surround you with sound people who understand and get how the world functions. I mean who really gets it, which are very few.
3. Save money, invest, and build a nest egg. Purchase a quality stuff, go for quality over quantity every day.
4. Invest in your health. This includes consistent gym visits, eating healthy, work out and stay fit.
5. DO NOT MARRY! Get a lawyer and look into a domestic partnership if you need to. Don’t let them steal half your worth.
6. DO NOT HAVE KIDS WITH A LOW CLASS/RATCHET WOMAN!!!! Keep away from most selfish bitches out there, those who sees you as an ATM. Be sure she is a worthwhile mate, with a career, level headed, and not is manipulative. Make sure she into staying fit as much as you are. Make sure she isn´t into junk food and so on. You have to know her for years to even be able to determine this, but it will pay off!

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